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Date January 2018
Description From back when we were still working out how we wanted to be seen at cons. DISCLAIMER: This image was commissioned prior to us knowing the political donations of the creator of the franchise this piece is inspired by, and is here for posterity. We do not recommend giving that franchise any time, money, or attention.
Tags conbadges
Original Link https://twitter.com/vhsrat/status/957656443641098241
Content Warnings animatronic, spooky
See also: Unusual Licensing Deals - Animatronic Badge for Confuzzled 2018) | Halloween 2020 - Less Live, Off Stage... | Halloween 2020 - Live on Stage! | Halloween 2020 - Larger than Live on Stage!
An animatronic dragon in the style of Five Nights at Freddy's 2, with smooth plastic and rosy cheeks. Caption: 'Toy Dex'.
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